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Another payment from PALMBUX ... the 10th...in only 5 days =D


My new nº1 investment site is unstoppable.After having a average, of 1 payment reached each week, now the average has lower…PALMBUX is becoming the nº1 of ALL PTC sites…
Probably that’s why the team has more ads.It’s simple math to do …

ALERTPAY: Money Received
Dear Daniel Costa,
You've got cash! PalmBux (finance@palmbux.com) just sent you money through AlertPay.

Payment Details

Date: November, 28 2009 6:21:17 PM
Amount Sent: $9.24 USD
Sender Name: PalmBux
Sender Email: finance@palmbux.com
Reference Number: B6A16-EE10E-D3F5E,
Message: Please post your proof of payment in the forum to get your next payment! Yours PalmBux Team
View the details of this transaction by logging into your AlertPay account.

Thanks for using AlertPay

The AlertPay Team
Need Assistance? We're happy to help.

By Phone: 1-514-748-5774 from Monday- Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm EST

INFINITIVA,my most profitable investment... http://infinitiva.com/K15498

Some new kids on the block (earnings) today…


Today, i’ve noticed that i’ve received 3 payments in my LIBERTY RESERVE account that i didn’t notice.
Those funds are related , to TWO sites where members, could earn money by several ways:

1)There’s the possibility of clicking in several links and earn money.

2) There’s the possibility of earning money, after sign in up in to some sites

3)There’s the possibility of earning money, by making searches, so on so on.

What mathers is the Proof of the payments, that follows:

The Scammers Of Bux.to Are Back?


The SCAMMERS from bux.to have done it again.HURRAY?DID they PAY?
But Yesterday, they have sent a email to my email, and that message was the cause for lot’s of laugh…
The email from “NOREPLY” was the following:

Fw: Your payment request has been cancelled.‏

From: noreply@bux.to
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 9:05 AM
To: (censured)
Subject: Your payment request has been cancelled.

Hello mig_costa,
your payment request has been cancelled and the amount you requested returned to your account. Please make sure that you follow our TOS at http://bux.to/tos.php otherwise we cannot proceed.

To view your payment history please visit, http://bux.to/history.php

More detailed information can be found at http://buxbb.com

Thanks for participating,

This email was sent from Bux.to as you have signed up for an account as mig_costa

Surely, that my brother have sent them a email saying that he was pissed off of waiting since 31 August 2008, and had asked the bresilian criminal called “vitaobr” why they don’t pay me (I’m waiting since more than 500 days after the day when they shoulded had paid me).

MY idea is that I will never again see the color of the money

New payment achieve at PALMBUX ... it's the 9th ;)


Today i've achieve a new payment level at PALMBUX...it's the 9th...Check the stats at the end of the page...

PALMBUX...my nº1 site....EARNING's have DOUBLED NEOBUX's ones...


A new KING is born...


Payment Proof's:

This was my 8th payment received ...

Palmbux...after the stormy change of server ...ANOTHER FAST PAYMENT! THE 7th !


I've received another FAST payment from PALMBUX...it's the 7th

What a day... Payment level reached at NEOBUX and PALMBUX


Historic day... for the first time, both NEOBUX and PALMBUX had reached payment in the same day.

For NEOBUX it was the 10th.

For PALMBUX it was the 6th in just 3 days!!!(a new record).The earning are going to be used to rent more referrals...

NEOBUX Proof follows:

New payment in PALMBUX ... the 5th ...in ONLY 4 days?!


After some work in recycling some lazy rented referrals, i've reached a new payment!

Proofs follows: