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The Scammers Of Bux.to Are Back?

The SCAMMERS from bux.to have done it again.HURRAY?DID they PAY?
But Yesterday, they have sent a email to my email, and that message was the cause for lot’s of laugh…
The email from “NOREPLY” was the following:

Fw: Your payment request has been cancelled.‏

From: noreply@bux.to
Sent: Friday, November 20, 2009 9:05 AM
To: (censured)
Subject: Your payment request has been cancelled.

Hello mig_costa,
your payment request has been cancelled and the amount you requested returned to your account. Please make sure that you follow our TOS at http://bux.to/tos.php otherwise we cannot proceed.

To view your payment history please visit, http://bux.to/history.php

More detailed information can be found at http://buxbb.com

Thanks for participating,

This email was sent from Bux.to as you have signed up for an account as mig_costa

Surely, that my brother have sent them a email saying that he was pissed off of waiting since 31 August 2008, and had asked the bresilian criminal called “vitaobr” why they don’t pay me (I’m waiting since more than 500 days after the day when they shoulded had paid me).

MY idea is that I will never again see the color of the money