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I've resign from Trustedbux team

Sadly Easter this year...

but sometimes it's better to let go that falling in some difficult financial situation!

In this days, and those who come...Trustedbux.com will burn, because he has crushed already.

I think that if in a site, someone pays the bils, that person is the owner of the site!

But now the guy only is concern in stealing the members money, so i give you some advices:

1) Get thousands of bots

2) Use different names for each bot

3) Use different IP's for each bot

4) Don't signup all the bots at the same time (so they can't be traced)

5) Press complaint to EUROPOL!(in 2 months)


=> the so called "owner" is not going to pay to no one...

=> DON'T EVER work with relatives, because you will be scammed!!!

I will re-start the process of building a new site (paid to click )from the scratch...and i hope to finish it before this mother fucker will be arrested!